One of my favorite web vendors over the past few years is PSD2HTML. There’s a lot to love about this company, beyond the fact that they have optimized one of the more excruciating aspects of doing good web marketing – they take your PSD files, and turn them into HTML.
You probably already knew that that’s what they did – because it’s right there in the name. I’m going to level with you here – I’m a little bit obsessed with their name. After using them again recently for a project, while I was just as pleased as usual with their intelligent options, flexible scheduling, and very reasonable prices, I couldn’t stop thinking about the name.
My first thought was kind of a dumb one: every company should name themselves this way! Google should be CASH2ADS! Reify should be MARKETING2REALITY! Segment should be INSIGHTS2CUSTOMERS! Then I stepped away from the ledge a little bit and realized that while these are mostly very poor name for companies, and company names are typically a good way to differentiate and be a foundation for solid branding, one thing did occur to me – every company should know what it’s essence is. Every company should have a 2Name.
Having a 2Name means that you’re able to distill the value proposition of your company into the smallest, realest, most resonant nugget possible – it’s literally two words smooshed together. Since many, many technology companies can essentially be boiled down to input, processing, and output, this may not be as difficult for your company as it may seem.
PSD2HTML takes PSDs and converts them to HTML. But it also does a bunch more – it has built a well-known, successful business on top of a simple idea, kept up with evolving technology, and provided a much needed service for companies of all kinds. Your product or service will be much the same – even though you might think you’re being too reductive, there’s actually a ton to learn from boiling everything down to the essentials.
Tell us your 2Name!
If this idea appeals to you, or you want some help figuring out a good 2Name, email us at – and thanks as always for reading.